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Initial contact

Host Alexander Mayrhofer and Guest Relations Manager Daniel Schönberger look forward to hearing from you and having the opportunity to arrange an initial online meeting.


Online meeting with host

During the initial meeting, our host will present you with the options and services available in our clinic and discuss the documents you’ll be sending to us in preparation for your online physician consultation.


Physician consultation: online or on-site

An expert from the German Center for Orthopedics will discuss treatment options with you on the basis of your medical records and, when appropriate, make an appointment with you at our clinic.  In addition to the online consultation, an advance visit — for example, in connection with tourist travel, is, of course, both possible and desirable.


Preparation for your stay

Afterward, we will be pleased to send you all the information and documents you will need for your stay in our clinic. We would be happy to help you with your travel arrangements and arrival if desired.


Your start at the Waldkliniken

After our host welcomes you, your doctor will discuss all medical issues with you again in an individual appointment. After an outpatient examination, your will make a final determination about further treatment and your therapy at the German Center for Orthopedics will begin.

Our appointments with the mashgiach service


To provide our guests with a comprehensive stay while observing all kashrut and Sabbath rules, we are offering the mashgiach service during the following three periods this year.

July 3–8, 2022

September 11–16, 2022

November 6–11, 2022

Our hosts look forward to arranging the best possible appointment for you within these periods.